Bring the Donuts

Ken Norton’s Product Management Blog

I started blogging about product management in 2005 because I couldn’t find anything on the web about what it meant to be a product manager in an empowered, user-centric tech company. My classic essay How To Hire a Product Manager has since become the playbook for a generation of product managers.

Best Books for Product Managers [2024]

Best Books for Product Managers [2024]

Essential product management reading

From Reactive to Creative Leadership

From Reactive to Creative Leadership

Evolving from fear-driven to purposeful leadership

Zone of Genius and Flow

Zone of Genius and Flow

Express your full magnificence by living in your Zone of Genius

Ken Norton on the Product Thinking Podcast

Ken Norton on the Product Thinking Podcast

Leading with vision and purpose

Preparing to Have a Difficult Conversation

Preparing to Have a Difficult Conversation

What to do when it’s time for some tough talk

Personal User Manuals

Personal User Manuals

Sharing guides to working with one another can lead to psychological safety

Ken Norton on Lenny’s Podcast

Ken Norton on Lenny’s Podcast

Making the shift from reactive to creative leadership

CEOs and Product Leaders: A Better Relationship

CEOs and Product Leaders: A Better Relationship

A relationship built on communication, candor, and trust

On Ego and Needing To Be Right

On Ego and Needing To Be Right

Our need to be right comes at a price: learning and curiosity

The Art of Product Management

The Art of Product Management

Why and How to Develop the Essential Human Skills

Experiencing Awe

Experiencing Awe

New research into the benefits of the emotion behind wonder

Learning to Receive Feedback

Learning to Receive Feedback

Separating truth from story

Taming Your Inner Critic

Taming Your Inner Critic

Learning to live with the saboteurs and inner critics inside us all

Reflecting on a Career in Product Management

Reflecting on a Career in Product Management

What I wished I’d known back when I started

Building Products at Slack

Building Products at Slack

Behind the scenes with the team that launched Slack Huddles

Are You a Rabbit or a Kangaroo?

Are You a Rabbit or a Kangaroo?

What dual ladders for product managers could look like in practice

It’s Time to Fight for a Dual Product Management Career Path

It’s Time to Fight for a Dual Product Management Career Path

Companies should embrace multitrack job ladders for product managers who prefer product leadership to people management

Building Products at Stripe

Building Products at Stripe

Go deep, move fast, and build multi-decade abstractions

Product Management Was Born in 1931 (Maybe, Sort Of)

Product Management Was Born in 1931 (Maybe, Sort Of)

The McElroy Brand Management Memo is ninety years old

How to Hire a Product Manager

How to Hire a Product Manager: the Classic Essay

The classic essay that defined the product manager role

Building Products at Airbnb

Building Products at Airbnb

Snow White, storytelling, and a relentless focus on experiences

The Tools Don’t Matter

Product Managers: The Tools Don't Matter

Why are product managers so obsessed with frameworks and tools?

Stay Out of the Wind and Away From the Back

Stay Out of the Wind and Away From the Back

How should PMs pick projects at big tech companies?

From One to Infinity and Beyond: Avoiding Second Product Syndrome

From One to Infinity and Beyond: Avoiding Second Product Syndrome

Launching a second product is hard. Plus: the early days at Amazon, CNET, and Microsoft

What Makes A Strong Product Culture?

What Makes A Strong Product Culture?

How a company's view of technology, product leadership, and empowerment contribute to product success

The Discipline of No

How Product Managers Can Learn to Say No

How product managers can learn to gently push back

Predicting the Future

How Product Managers Can Predict the Future

Mother of all markets or a pipe dream driven by greed?

Lots of Good Stuff for Product Managers

Lots of Good Stuff for Product Managers

Note-taking techniques, Women in Product and more

Becoming a Great Product Leader

Becoming a Great Product Leader

Three outstanding new books

The Ideal Ratio of Engineers to Product Managers

The Ideal Ratio of Engineers to Product Managers

What's the recommended number of software engineers for every PM?

Foreword to the book Product Leadership

Foreword to the book Product Leadership

My foreword to Product Leadership, by Banfield, Eriksson and Walkingshaw

How I Read More Books

How I Read More Books

I read 61 books last year and it was easier than I thought

Getting the Job Done

Product Managers: Judgment Over Outcomes

Why judgment matters more then outcomes

The Thirty-Year Plan

The Thirty-Year Plan

The far future is upon us

Ants & Aliens: Long-Term Product Vision & Strategy

Ants & Aliens: Long-Term Product Vision & Strategy

Why you need a thirty-year product vision (yes, thirty)

Deciding to Make a Decision

Deciding to Make a Decision

Why ambiguity is the worst thing in product management

Dual-Track PM Ladders

Dual-Track Product Manager Job Ladders

Product vs. managerial career paths

Off the Rails: Impact vs. Seniority

Product Manager Career: Impact vs. Seniority

Balancing product impact and seniority in a PM career

Machine Learning for Product Managers

Machine Learning for Product Managers

How do you get started with machine learning?

One-On-Ones Are Essential

One-On-Ones Are Essential

How do you make the most of one-on-ones?

The Authenticity Gap

The Authenticity Gap

Is “being authentic” easier said than done?

Advice for Early Career PMs (Updated for 2021)

Advice for Early Career Product Managers in 2021

How do you launch a product management career?

The Future Was Already Here

The Future Was Already Here

How fast does technology move?

Being Your True Self

Being Your True Self

Does authenticity matter in the workplace?

When Product Culture is Rotten

Can You Change Your Company’s Product Culture?

Can you change your company’s culture?

Please Make Yourself Uncomfortable

Please Make Yourself Uncomfortable: Jazz and PMs

What product managers can learn from jazz musicians

Blameless Post Mortems

Blameless Post Mortems

How do you respond when things go wrong?

Only One Priority

Task Management for Product Managers

How do you accomplish the most important tasks?

How I Manage My Inbox

How I Manage My Inbox

How do you keep your email under control?

Don't Ship the Org Chart, Part 2

Product Managers: Don’t Ship the Org Chart, Part 2

How do you organize engineering around use cases?

Three... Two... One... Go

How to Help a New Product Manager Succeed

How do you make sure your new PM is successful?

The Design Sprint

The Design Sprint

How to build and test an idea in 40 hours

The PM Mind Meld

Product Managers and CEOs: the Mind Meld

How do you keep the CEO and PM on the same page?

Don’t Ship the Org Chart, Part 1

Product Managers: Don’t Ship the Org Chart, Part 1

How do you divide ownership between PMs?

Mind The Product 2016

Mind The Product 2016

The secret to moonshots, Disney’s vision, and reading more books

Product Manager Zero

PM Zero: When to Hire the First Product Manager?

When should you hire your first PM?

Liberal Arts and Technical Enoughness

How Technical Do Product Managers Need to Be?

Should product managers have a computer science degree?

Empathy and Product Management

Empathy and Product Management

How important is empathy in product management?

10x Not 10%

10x Not 10%: Bold Product Strategy and Vision

Product management by orders of magnitude

Meetings That Don’t Suck

Meetings That Don’t Suck

Break free from the tyranny of the conference room

How to Work With Software Engineers

Product Managers: How to Work With Software Engineers

My ten-step plan for working with engineers

Babe Ruth and Feature Lists

Product Feature Prioritization & Babe Ruth

Why prioritized feature lists can be poisonous

Leading Cross-Functional Teams
Happy 10th Birthday to HTHAPM

Looking Back: 10 Years of How to Hire a PM

Looking back on ten years of How to Hire a Product Manager

What to Do in Your First 30 Days in a New Role

Product Managers: What to Do in the First 30 Days

Tips for how product managers should approach their first month

Climbing Mount Enterprise

Product Roadmaps: Climbing Mount Enterprise

Google's first enterprise PM can teach us about product roadmaps

End Software Patents

End Software Patents

Why our current patent system harms innovation

How to Listen to Customers

Product Managers: How to Listen to Customers

How do you hone in on what users really need?

The Time I Flew on the Enron Jet

The Time I Flew on the Enron Jet

I flew to Houston to meet Jeffrey Skilling and this is my story